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Ready to start believing in yourself and change your life?

Confidence coaching is for you if you experience...

Image of Bridget Jones and Julia Roberts in Eat Pray Love
Negative self-talk

Is your inner goblin constantly criticising you? Telling you that you're not a good person, you're not good enough, there's no point in trying because you'll fail? 

Fear of failure and rejection

Are your fears about the potential outcome holding you back from even getting started? Do you have a dream that you're scared of taking steps towards in case it doesn't work out? 

Imposter syndrome

Are you waiting for someone to 'find you out' and tell you that you're a fraud? Do you feel like you got where you are because of luck, and not because of you as a person? 

Difficulty setting boundaries

Do you struggle to stand up for yourself and feel like you're constantly giving to others, even when you know it isn't good for you, or what you want? 

Constantly comparing yourself 

Are you always comparing yourself to other people and feeling jealous of their success? Do you feel like you're not living life 'right' in comparison, or you're not as good as them?

Lack of confidence in social situations

Is your fear of social situations stopping you from meeting new people? You know you want to make friends, build relationships, maybe even a romantic partner, or new business networks, but that ball of fear in your stomach just won't let you do it.

Afraid to dream big

When you think about setting goals and making a change, do you talk yourself down from letting yourself dream big? You might be prioritising the needs of others over setting goals for yourself, or maybe you're afraid to make any changes at all because you don't believe you will succeed.

If you can relate, it's time for action

Image by Clay Banks

Live the life you want, with no barriers

Here's how confidence and self-esteem coaching helps clients:

Identify the root cause

Coaching will identify the underlying factors which contribute to your low confidence and low self-esteem. We will get to the heart of it all, to make real effective change. We will explore your past experiences, influences and self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

Challenging negative thought patterns

We will help you recognise and challenge negative thought patterns and self-talk that keep your confidence low. Using a series of NLP and coaching methods, you will learn to replace self-critical thoughts with positive and empowering ones.

Building self-compassion 

Coaching will empower you to build self-compassion and kindness towards yourself. We will help you to realise that imperfection is part of being human, and encourage you to practice self-care, empathy towards yourself and develop a more positive self-image.

Developing assertiveness

We will help you to communicate what you really think, feel and want. You will learn how to set boundaries and put your own needs first, without causing conflict, so you can live the life you want, and navigate challenging situations effectively. 

Exploring personal values and strengths

We will explore your unique qualities and what you really want, and care about. We will embrace your value and abilities, to help you build your confidence. This will help you to achieve your goals. 

Setting realistic goals

Coaching guides you in setting realistic goals that align with your true values and aspirations. We will break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps, to build your confidence in getting what you want.

And that's just scratching the surface!

To learn more about how confidence and self-esteem coaching can help you, book your FREE consultation with Abbie, founder of Inner Smile 

Image by Amy Shamblen
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About Me

Hi, I'm Abbie. I founded Inner Smile confidence and self-esteem coaching after years of living in a state of self-doubt, burn out and stress. My mission is to help women to find their inner smile and transform their lives, with boosted confidence and a tool kit to help them for the rest of their lives.

There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish

Michelle Obama

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